Keep your home above water with flood insurance from The Keats Agency
Home flooding is easy to underestimate. However, if your home has ever flooded, you know how much damage flooding costs. Even just an inch or two of water can cause thousands of dollars worth of damage, but you do not have to fund repairs on your own.
The Keats Agency can find you the flood insurance you need for your home. Many do not realize most homeowners insurance policies do not include flood damage from their coverage. As an agency established in 1993, we know how difficult managing flooding in your home can be, so we can be the insurance lifeboat that gets you the coverage you need.
Don’t let flood damage sink your home with repair costs
According to FEMA statistics over the past 20 years, flood damage losses tend to range between $350,000 and $800,000. Recent hurricanes have skyrocketed losses over the eight-figure mark. If your home does not have flood insurance, you could be left out in the rain.
Flood coverage protects you and your home against losses resulting from events such as heavy and lengthy rain falls, storm surges, blocked storm drainage systems, and snow melts. When it comes to flood insurance, there are two different kinds of policies:
- Standard flood insurance: federal policies flowing from the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP), where a flood is defined as waters that cover at least two acres and affect two properties.
- Preferred risk flood insurance: policies geared towards residences and businesses in low-to-medium risk zones, protecting your home from a small flood or a larger flood that extends into your low- or medium-risk area.
Flood insurance varies on which flood zone your house is in and whether or not you live in an NFIP community. With a clear understanding of flood maps, our agents can be the bridge over the troubled waters, making sure you make the best flood insurance investment for your home.
Don’t let your house drown in flood management expenses. Get in contact with The Keats Agency today by calling (888) 804-5744 today, or come to one of our offices in New York or Georgia to talk through your flood insurance options. You can also fill out our free online quote form to get started.